selfless singing
Created by John Murray 14 years ago
I will always remember this as such a perfect example of Gemma's selfless nature. Gem was asked to sing at her godmothers wedding, who can blame Sue for asking, Gem loved to sing and everyone who knew her loved to hear Gem sing, but Gem, ever self conscious and always striving for the best where her family and friends were concerned was nervous of getting in front of so many people on such a big day for her godmother so she practiced for weeks, even thought it was a song she knew off by heart, she wanted it to be flawless.
So the big day arrives, and anyone who was there will know, Gem got up, looked great and hit every note perfectly, on the way back to the pews she is smiling that smile at everyone, grabs my hand and sits next to me, she is shaking like leaf with nerves and before I can say "you were fantastic" she turns to me and asks "how are you?" I've just been sitting there enjoying the show, Gem was the one losing sleep with worry and her first thought was of someone. I was damn proud to be with her that day!